Modern frameworks comparison

How many times were you curious which one of, modern web frameworks is the best? For developers who have their favourite, answer is simple. But there are plenty of questions from begginers or devs who want to learn new technology, wondering which one should take, to stay on the edge.How many times were you curious which one of, modern web frameworks is the best? For developers who have their favourite, answer is simple. But there are plenty of questions from begginers or devs who want to learn new technology, wondering which one should take, to stay on the edge.

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Year 2011 summary on my blogPodsumowanie roku 2011 na moim blogu

As year 2011 is going to end very soon I did a little recap of things occured on this blog during this year. I wrote 18 posts, which is more than in a previous year (it was 11). Readers left total number of 43 comments. This blog has been visited 58% often than in the previous year with 200% more actions performed. In the December I switched layout (with help from Chilid team), which made it more readable and easy to use.
To sum things up: that was good year, but next is going to be better 馃檪 Thank you for reading my articles and don’t hesistate to leave comments and suggestions about improvements that you can see.Jako聽rok 2011 wkr贸tce si臋 sko艅czy, zrobi艂em ma艂e聽podsumowanie rzeczy, kt贸re mia艂y miejsce聽na tym blogu.聽Napisa艂em聽18 post贸w,聽czyli wi臋cej ni偶聽w poprzednim roku (by艂o聽11).聽Czytelnicy聽zostawili聽og贸lnie 43聽komentarzy.聽Ten blog聽odwiedzono聽58% cz臋艣ciej ni偶聽w roku poprzednim, wykonuj膮c 200% wi臋cej聽czynno艣ci.聽W grudniu zmieni艂em聽layout (z pomoc膮聽Chilid), poprawiaj膮c czytelno艣膰 i przejrzysto艣膰 bloga.

Podsumowuj膮c: to by艂聽dobry rok,聽ale w przysz艂ym聽b臋dzie jeszcze lepiej聽馃檪聽Dzi臋kuj臋 za czytanie聽moich artyku艂贸w聽i nie聽wahajcie聽aby zostawia膰 komentarzy聽i聽sugestii na temat ulepsze艅, kt贸re聽mo偶na wprowadzi膰.

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Brand new blog layout

Today I proudly present a brand new blog layout. Thanks to Chilid New Marketing Agency from Gliwice, Poland now blog is more readable and minimalistic. I need to admit that cooperation with Chilid was awesome – they clearly understand my needs, did great graphics and creation and communicated very well. Thanks again to Ania, Tomek, Patrycjusz, Marcin and Adam!

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Why Mockery is better than PHPUnit Mock Builder and how to integrate it with Symfony2

Recently I did a lot of Test Driven Development on my Symfony2 bundle. I used PHPUnit’s built-in mocks and stubs for many projects, so I took it again. But while I was working on mocking Symfony2 core objects I found those mocks very uncomfortable in use. I tried Mockery and it saved my day. Let’s see how to get it working with Symfony2 and how it kicks ass!

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Use Proxy-Object in Symfony2 applictions to test non-public methods

Generally, it’s not a good idea to unit test protected or private methods, but in some cases it could be useful. Of course we don’t want to change our class contract, and expose those methods as a public ones, just becasue we want to test them with PHPUnit. This case can be solved with Proxy-Object library. It provides easy-to-use way to get protected classes to the surface. More about that is here Here I’ll show how to integrate proxy object into your Symfony2 application:

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How to add a custom class to form field in Symfony2

Today I needed to add a custom class to textarea field, to achieve TinyMCE field rendering (with help of It wasn’t such straightforward like I thought… I tried:

But it threw exception, that attribute „class” is undefined, so I need to solve it in other way. Thank god I use Twig, so I tried form theming (in template with form). Only thing you need to do is to find out html ID of the textarea field (in my case: wowo_bundle_newsletterbundle_newslettertype_mailing_body). Then you need to add a „_” on the front and „_widget” on the end and class=”tinymce” is there for you.

The solution is simple and powerful, Symfony2 has proven its quality again 馃檪

UPDATE 19.10.2011
As Florian and Stloyd mentioned in comments, setting custom class can be done in elegant way, which ain’t included in the documentation yet.

UPDATE 29.10.2011

After my contribution, „attr” element is now documented in official Symfony2 docs

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Loosening dependencies with closures in PHP

Today I ran into a little issue: how to pass generic logger object to method? I wanted to get some verbose output from method, which I call from Command, but onc time it should log with Symfony2 OutputInterface and other time it should use monolog logger. Of course I can make some wrapper class for both of them, but it would be kind of an overkill. The Closure from PHP 5.3 came with solution. In calling method I created closure like this:

On the second hand I’ve got:

As you can see I don’t need to care about logging – just call the closure with message and it will log it properly, depending on context.

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Kr贸tka relacja z InternetBeta2011

Wczoraj wr贸ci艂em z InternetBeta2011, kt贸ra odby艂a si臋 w Rzeszowie. Trzeba przyzna膰, 偶e poziom organizacji by艂 na naprawd臋 wysokim poziomie, podobnie jak poziom ludzi, kt贸rych tam spotka艂em. Wiele znanych osobisto艣ci, wiele pasjonat贸w i mn贸stwo nowych znajomo艣ci. Jako architekt oprogramowania mia艂em obawy o trudno艣ci znalezienia wsp贸lnego j臋zyka z przedstawicielami medi贸w, marketingu, agencji interaktywnych czy PR, ale te w膮tpliwo艣ci szybko zosta艂y rozwiane.
Szczeg贸lnie do gustu przypad艂 mi panel technologiczny, na kt贸rym prelegenci byli聽doskonale przygotowani i z kt贸rego wynios艂em najwi臋cej (sam osobi艣cie te偶 wyg艂osi艂em prelekcj臋 na tym偶e). Oczywi艣cie nie ujmuj臋 tutaj pozosta艂ym przemowom, bo na g艂贸wnej auli prezentacje w wi臋kszo艣ci by艂y 艣wietne. Poza tym warto tu pochwali膰 warstw臋聽audio-wizualn膮 imprezy oraz doskonale przygotowane programy wieczorne 馃檪
Troch臋 brakowa艂o mi interakcji pomi臋dzy prelegentami a widowni膮 po prezentacjach. Pytania z publiki zawsze stawiaj膮 kropk臋 nad „i”, tutaj agenda by艂a wype艂niona do艣膰聽szczelnie i nie by艂o na to czasu. Drug膮 kwesti膮, kt贸ra troch臋 zawiod艂a to catering, ale nie samym chlebem cz艂owiek 偶yje 馃檪
Wa偶nym wydarzeniem by艂 te偶 wernisa偶 Oli Anzel, kt贸ry przedstawia艂 najwa偶niejsze osoby w polskim Internecie, a kt贸remu towarzyszy艂a r贸wnie偶 cyfrowa edycja Wi臋cej o tym projekcie, mo偶na przeczyta膰 na blogu Marcina Dryki, kt贸ry by艂 g艂贸wnym developerem projektu.
Podsumowuj膮c: wielkie s艂owa uznania dla Matuesza Tu艂eckiego i jego dru偶yny za organizacj臋 InternetBeta, mam nadziej臋, 偶e w przysz艂ym roku znowu b臋dzie mi dane tam by膰.

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Moja prezentacja o Symfony2 i dedykowanym oprogramowaniu z InternetBeta 2011

Poni偶ej slajdy z mojej prezentacji, kt贸r膮 wyg艂osi艂em na InternetBeta 2011 w Rzeszowie. Zapraszam do zapoznania si臋 z slajdami.

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Prezentacja o Symfony2 i oprogramowaniu dedykowanym na InternetBeta 2011 w Rzeszowie

W czwartek 15 wrze艣nia 2011 o 14:30 b臋d臋 mia艂 przyjemno艣膰 prowadzi膰 prelekcj臋 na Sesji Technologicznej InternetBeta 2011 w Rzeszowie. M贸j temat to聽艁ebski Development czyli kiedy i dlaczego tworzy膰 oprogramowanie pod klucz i dlaczego framework Symfony2 pasuje tu jak ula艂? A poni偶ej kr贸tka agenda:

  • – oprogramowanie dedykowane vs. produkty Open Source gotowe do u偶ycia – w kt贸rym momencie te drugie przestaj膮 by膰 wystarczaj膮ce,
  • – jak膮 warto艣ci膮 jest indywidualne podej艣cie do zagadnienia i gdzie ka偶dy z udzia艂owc贸w projektu otrzymuje聽najwi臋ksze聽korzy艣ci,
  • – po co komu framework, skoro mo偶na wszystko samemu napisa膰聽najlepiej?
  • – Symfony2, jego historia, mo偶liwo艣ci i usytuowanie na rynku,
  • – przyk艂ady z 偶ycia codziennego, jak聽PHP i聽Symfony2 zwinnie daje rad臋 w przer贸偶nych dziedzinach software developmentu.

Wszystkich zainteresowanych tematem serdecznie zapraszam 馃檪


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