Prezentacja o Symfony2 i oprogramowaniu dedykowanym na InternetBeta 2011 w Rzeszowie

W czwartek 15 września 2011 o 14:30 będę miał przyjemność prowadzić prelekcję na Sesji Technologicznej InternetBeta 2011 w Rzeszowie. Mój temat to Łebski Development czyli kiedy i dlaczego tworzyć oprogramowanie pod klucz i dlaczego framework Symfony2 pasuje tu jak ulał? A poniżej krótka agenda:

  • – oprogramowanie dedykowane vs. produkty Open Source gotowe do użycia – w którym momencie te drugie przestają być wystarczające,
  • – jaką wartością jest indywidualne podejście do zagadnienia i gdzie każdy z udziałowców projektu otrzymuje największe korzyści,
  • – po co komu framework, skoro można wszystko samemu napisać najlepiej?
  • – Symfony2, jego historia, możliwości i usytuowanie na rynku,
  • – przykłady z życia codziennego, jak PHP i Symfony2 zwinnie daje radę w przeróżnych dziedzinach software developmentu.

Wszystkich zainteresowanych tematem serdecznie zapraszam 🙂


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Symfony2 stable is available, what’s the big deal?

On July 28th Symfony2 was finally released, with launch parties all over the world. Developers are excited, managers are excited and whole ecosystem is happy. They’re right, there are plenty of reasons to be optimistic. symfony 1.x is a great framework, I made many  projects with it, nevertheless Symfony2 is a new way of doing things in PHP. I observe, that applications made with symfony 1 tends to be messy with raising number of functionalities. There too many magic tricks, which you can use, which are hard to manage in big, multi-team projects. Symfony2 does it smarter.

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RESTful Symfony2

Zapraszam do zapoznania się z moją prezentacją pt. RESTful Symfony2, którą można obejrzeć na xlabie

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Fully isolated tests in Symfony2

The most important thing you should provide with your re-usable bundles is unit tests set. Lately I solved two major cases which Symfony2 hasn’t got out of the box: testing services, defined in Dependency Injection Container and running model tests with fixtures in fully isolated environment.

The most important thing you should provide with your re-usable bundles is unit tests set. Lately I solved two major cases which Symfony2 hasn’t got out of the box: testing services, defined in Dependency Injection Container and running model tests with fixtures in fully isolated environment.

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Dutch PHP Conference – review of the day 2

I had great pleasure to attend to Dutch PHP Conference day 2, as a replacement for collegue of mine. The conference met all my expectations – organisation was on very high level and talks were worth listening. Firstly I attended opening keynote by Helgi Þormar Þorbjörnsson, who spoke about importance of APIs in nowadays bussiness. He was very convincing and his arguments has made a lot of sense. Then I listened to Lorna Jane Mitchell and her OAuth talk. She perfectly describes what OAuth is, its benefits and shared a lot of examples with audience. Then we attended speach about Shared MySQL farm by Thijs Feryn – example of hosting MySQL in shared environment. After typical dutch lunch we went to Agility and Quality talk given by Sebastian Bergmann. Sebastians knowledge and experience is very impressive. The last regular session was one about Hadoop for PHP by David Zülke. It was the best one I attended. David spoke in very entertaining way and I guess that every attendee has some  Hadoop basics after that. But there were not only basics, but real life stats and live demo, which showed the power of Hadoop. In the end, Cal Evans refers in very charismatic way the idea of an open teams, the importance of flexibility and respect for the developers work.
I need to admit, that it was a very good conference and I willing to go there in next year. I hope it will be even better than this one 🙂

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Artykuł mojego autorstwa w Software Developer Journal 05/2011

W najnowszym Software Developer Journal ukazał się mój artykuł pod tytułem „Test-Driven Development oraz Continous Integration w projektach PHP 5.3”. Zapraszam do lektury i dzielenia się spostrzeżeniami w komentarzach.

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Dynamic LAMP setup for localhost development

If you are developing PHP application on your own PC, you probably have some vhost based configuration of your Apache. With some tricks, you can turn your Linux box into powerful development server without configuring vhost for every app . In the minimum configuration effort, you need to pass those steps:

  1. checkout repository to disk
  2. create vhost configuration with some ServerName
  3. create entry in /etc/hosts which reflects server name used in vhost to

I’m pretty sure, that above path is used by many developers. We can ommit two lasts steps, limiting preparation of the environment only to place source code somewhere in filesystem. To achieve this we need mod_vhost_alias module for Apache2 and simple DNS server which will resolve local domain names for us.

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Symfony2 showcase

Na firmowym blogu zamieściłem post odnośnie mojej ostatniej prezentacji na temat Symfony2 – zapraszam do lektury 🙂 Post jest dostępny pod tym linkiem.

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How I passed Zend Certified Engineer exam for PHP 5.3

On thursday 25th of November 2010 I passed Zend Certified Engineer exam for PHP 5.3 thanks to certification program in company where I work – XSolve. It’s quite new exam, because of PHP 5.3, so I will describe my feelings and recomend you some helpful sources.

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Power of the PHP streams – decompress gz archives on the fly from remote server

Probably most of us heard about streams in PHP. They are background of all files and network operations in PHP, even if we don’t see it. Everytime when you use file_get_contetnts or fopen you are actually using streams. But there are many stream wrappers I haven’t used, because they aren’t well known.

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