Lately I gave a talk to my collegues from IT Department in Haarlem about MongoDB, document oriented database. You can see slides below, feel free to share your experiences with NoSQL databases!
Lately I gave a talk to my collegues from IT Department in Haarlem about MongoDB, document oriented database. You can see slides below, feel free to share your experiences with NoSQL databases!
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W najnowszym Software Developer Journal ukazał się mój artykuł pod tytułem „Test-Driven Development oraz Continous Integration w projektach PHP 5.3”. Zapraszam do lektury i dzielenia się spostrzeżeniami w komentarzach. http://sdjournal.pl/magazine/1683-po-co-nam-interfejsy-tworzenie-elastycznego-kodu
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If you are developing PHP application on your own PC, you probably have some vhost based configuration of your Apache. With some tricks, you can turn your Linux box into powerful development server without configuring vhost for every app . In the minimum configuration effort, you need to pass those steps:
- checkout repository to disk
- create vhost configuration with some ServerName
- create entry in /etc/hosts which reflects server name used in vhost to
I’m pretty sure, that above path is used by many developers. We can ommit two lasts steps, limiting preparation of the environment only to place source code somewhere in filesystem. To achieve this we need mod_vhost_alias module for Apache2 and simple DNS server which will resolve local domain names for us.
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Na firmowym blogu http://xlab.pl zamieściłem post odnośnie mojej ostatniej prezentacji na temat Symfony2 – zapraszam do lektury 🙂 Post jest dostępny pod tym linkiem.
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On thursday 25th of November 2010 I passed Zend Certified Engineer exam for PHP 5.3 thanks to certification program in company where I work – XSolve. It’s quite new exam, because of PHP 5.3, so I will describe my feelings and recomend you some helpful sources.
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Probably most of us heard about streams in PHP. They are background of all files and network operations in PHP, even if we don’t see it. Everytime when you use file_get_contetnts or fopen you are actually using streams. But there are many stream wrappers I haven’t used, because they aren’t well known.
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Last time I wrote about Weirdest PHP construction I’ve ever seen, now I found another unusual PHP solution. PHP offers 3 visibility modifiers: private, protected and public. Private properties and methods can’t be accessed outside the object, as well as from inherited classes. With one exception… They can be accessed by other instances of the same class.
Last time I wrote about Weirdest PHP construction I’ve ever seen, now I found another unusual PHP solution. PHP offers 3 visibility modifiers: private, protected and public. Private properties and methods can’t be accessed outside the object, as well as from inherited classes. With one exception… They can be accessed by other instances of the same class.
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Let’s say that PHP isn’t the best, if it goes with language organisation. But thing I discovered yesterday scared me and surprised in the same moment. I know about ability to nest function in function (I even saw something implemented this way…), but didn’t know that we can call nested method like in the listing bellow. Please, don’t do this ever!
Let’s say that PHP isn’t the best, if it goes with language organisation. But thing I discovered yesterday scared me and surprised in the same moment. I know about ability to nest function in function (I even saw something implemented this way…), but didn’t know that we can call nested method like in the listing bellow. Please, don’t do this ever!
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The sfWidgetFormSelect doesn’t provide ability to render disabled options. It’s rarely used feature of a HTML select element, but sometimes it could save your life 🙂 In fact, we can achieve this feature by creating our own widget, like one listed below, which inherits from sfWidgetFormSelect. This solution is inspired by problem posted on Symfony Experts.
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