Deploying Symfony2 applications with Ant

When you have plenty of Symfony2 applications and you need to deploy them from time to time, you are probably sick of thinking about every activity you need to do for every deploy. Often people use some build scripts, which are hard to maintain and tends to be unreadable. I wanted to automate it as much as it possible and I’ve choosen Ant, to help me out.

Actually Ant is choice, due to other fact – it can be easily used with Continous Integration server like Jenkins, while ssh scripts often generates some problems. With this aproach all you need to have Ant binary on server and build.xml config in root folder. You can have different targets defined in config and chain them using depend attribute. So in this case you can have target for building project on production server (usefull for continous delivery) and setup for Jenkins.

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Fully isolated tests in Symfony2

The most important thing you should provide with your re-usable bundles is unit tests set. Lately I solved two major cases which Symfony2 hasn’t got out of the box: testing services, defined in Dependency Injection Container and running model tests with fixtures in fully isolated environment.

The most important thing you should provide with your re-usable bundles is unit tests set. Lately I solved two major cases which Symfony2 hasn’t got out of the box: testing services, defined in Dependency Injection Container and running model tests with fixtures in fully isolated environment.

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Artykuł mojego autorstwa w Software Developer Journal 05/2011

W najnowszym Software Developer Journal ukazał się mój artykuł pod tytułem „Test-Driven Development oraz Continous Integration w projektach PHP 5.3”. Zapraszam do lektury i dzielenia się spostrzeżeniami w komentarzach.

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