Recently I did a lot of Test Driven Development on my Symfony2 bundle. I used PHPUnit’s built-in mocks and stubs for many projects, so I took it again. But while I was working on mocking Symfony2 core objects I found those mocks very uncomfortable in use. I tried Mockery and it saved my day. Let’s see how to get it working with Symfony2 and how it kicks ass!
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The most important thing you should provide with your re-usable bundles is unit tests set. Lately I solved two major cases which Symfony2 hasn’t got out of the box: testing services, defined in Dependency Injection Container and running model tests with fixtures in fully isolated environment.
The most important thing you should provide with your re-usable bundles is unit tests set. Lately I solved two major cases which Symfony2 hasn’t got out of the box: testing services, defined in Dependency Injection Container and running model tests with fixtures in fully isolated environment.
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W najnowszym Software Developer Journal ukazał się mój artykuł pod tytułem „Test-Driven Development oraz Continous Integration w projektach PHP 5.3”. Zapraszam do lektury i dzielenia się spostrzeżeniami w komentarzach. http://sdjournal.pl/magazine/1683-po-co-nam-interfejsy-tworzenie-elastycznego-kodu
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