It is generally a good idea to wrap business logic into services. Often, such services methods use doctrine’s repositories to operate on data storage. Injecting whole EntityManager service is a very popular approach, but it isn’t the most elegant way I could think of. EntityManager works only as a factory in that case and could lead to usage of other repositories, which might end up with too many responsibilities of given service.
The better way is to inject single repositories, using a factory-service mechanism, provided by the Dependency Injection Container.f
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Is Symfony2 a MVC framework? This question in tricky and you can’t see answer at the first moment when you visit symfony.com website. Even more – MVC pattern isn’t mentioned in elevator pitches in „What is Symfony” section. Most of PHP developers will tell you promptly, that this is Model View Controller implementation without a doubt.
The question is: where is Model layer in Symfony2? My answer is: there’s ain’t one and it’s good.
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During upcoming edition of PHPCon 2012 in Kielce I’ll give a talk „Symfony2 w chmurze” (Symfony2 in the cloud). I’ll describe advantages of cloud infrastructure purposed for web applications, some use cases of cloud deployments and things which developers need to keep in mind, to get Symfony2 application work properly in such environment.
More informations are available in PHPCon agenda:http://phpcon.pl/2012/pl/agenda
See you there 🙂Podczas tegorocznej konferencji PHPCon 2012 w Kielcach (28-30 września) będę miał przyjemność poprowadzić prelekcję „Symfony2 w chmurze”. Będę mówił o zaletach korzystania z chmury jako infrastruktury serwerowej pod aplikacje webowe, przykładowych przypadkach użycia oraz zabiegach, o których należy pamiętać, aby aplikacja w napisana w frameworku Symfony2 działała poprawnie w takim środowisku.
Więcej informacji w agendzie PHPCon: http://phpcon.pl/2012/pl/agenda
Do zobaczenia 🙂
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When you have plenty of Symfony2 applications and you need to deploy them from time to time, you are probably sick of thinking about every activity you need to do for every deploy. Often people use some build scripts, which are hard to maintain and tends to be unreadable. I wanted to automate it as much as it possible and I’ve choosen Ant, to help me out.
Actually Ant is choice, due to other fact – it can be easily used with Continous Integration server like Jenkins, while ssh scripts often generates some problems. With this aproach all you need to have Ant binary on server and build.xml config in root folder. You can have different targets defined in config and chain them using depend attribute. So in this case you can have target for building project on production server (usefull for continous delivery) and setup for Jenkins.
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How many times were you curious which one of, modern web frameworks is the best? For developers who have their favourite, answer is simple. But there are plenty of questions from begginers or devs who want to learn new technology, wondering which one should take, to stay on the edge.How many times were you curious which one of, modern web frameworks is the best? For developers who have their favourite, answer is simple. But there are plenty of questions from begginers or devs who want to learn new technology, wondering which one should take, to stay on the edge.
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Recently I did a lot of Test Driven Development on my Symfony2 bundle. I used PHPUnit’s built-in mocks and stubs for many projects, so I took it again. But while I was working on mocking Symfony2 core objects I found those mocks very uncomfortable in use. I tried Mockery and it saved my day. Let’s see how to get it working with Symfony2 and how it kicks ass!
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Generally, it’s not a good idea to unit test protected or private methods, but in some cases it could be useful. Of course we don’t want to change our class contract, and expose those methods as a public ones, just becasue we want to test them with PHPUnit. This case can be solved with Proxy-Object library. It provides easy-to-use way to get protected classes to the surface. More about that is here http://blog.bastian-feder.de/blog/029_proxyObject.html. Here I’ll show how to integrate proxy object into your Symfony2 application:
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Today I needed to add a custom class to textarea field, to achieve TinyMCE field rendering (with help of http://symfony2bundles.org/stfalcon/TinymceBundle). It wasn’t such straightforward like I thought… I tried:
But it threw exception, that attribute „class” is undefined, so I need to solve it in other way. Thank god I use Twig, so I tried form theming (in template with form). Only thing you need to do is to find out html ID of the textarea field (in my case: wowo_bundle_newsletterbundle_newslettertype_mailing_body). Then you need to add a „_” on the front and „_widget” on the end and class=”tinymce” is there for you.
The solution is simple and powerful, Symfony2 has proven its quality again 🙂
UPDATE 19.10.2011
As Florian and Stloyd mentioned in comments, setting custom class can be done in elegant way, which ain’t included in the documentation yet.
UPDATE 29.10.2011
After my contribution, „attr” element is now documented in official Symfony2 docs http://symfony.com/doc/current/reference/forms/types/field.html
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Today I ran into a little issue: how to pass generic logger object to method? I wanted to get some verbose output from method, which I call from Command, but onc time it should log with Symfony2 OutputInterface and other time it should use monolog logger. Of course I can make some wrapper class for both of them, but it would be kind of an overkill. The Closure from PHP 5.3 came with solution. In calling method I created closure like this:
On the second hand I’ve got:
As you can see I don’t need to care about logging – just call the closure with message and it will log it properly, depending on context.
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Poniżej slajdy z mojej prezentacji, którą wygłosiłem na InternetBeta 2011 w Rzeszowie. Zapraszam do zapoznania się z slajdami.
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