Symfony2 stable is available, what’s the big deal?

On July 28th Symfony2 was finally released, with launch parties all over the world. Developers are excited, managers are excited and whole ecosystem is happy. They’re right, there are plenty of reasons to be optimistic. symfony 1.x is a great framework, I made many  projects with it, nevertheless Symfony2 is a new way of doing things in PHP. I observe, that applications made with symfony 1 tends to be messy with raising number of functionalities. There too many magic tricks, which you can use, which are hard to manage in big, multi-team projects. Symfony2 does it smarter.

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RESTful Symfony2

Zapraszam do zapoznania się z moją prezentacją pt. RESTful Symfony2, którą można obejrzeć na xlabie

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Fully isolated tests in Symfony2

The most important thing you should provide with your re-usable bundles is unit tests set. Lately I solved two major cases which Symfony2 hasn’t got out of the box: testing services, defined in Dependency Injection Container and running model tests with fixtures in fully isolated environment.

The most important thing you should provide with your re-usable bundles is unit tests set. Lately I solved two major cases which Symfony2 hasn’t got out of the box: testing services, defined in Dependency Injection Container and running model tests with fixtures in fully isolated environment.

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Symfony2 showcase

Na firmowym blogu zamieściłem post odnośnie mojej ostatniej prezentacji na temat Symfony2 – zapraszam do lektury 🙂 Post jest dostępny pod tym linkiem.

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